Three Fast Facts About Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a familiar, if unwelcome, sight in the Dallas area. These pint-sized pests may be tiny, but their bites can carry enormous consequences. At Home Run Pest and Termite Control, we offer mosquito control services to Dallas area residents. Keep these uninvited guests out of your home and yard and in the wild, where they play a surprisingly important role in our ecosystem.

Three Fast Facts About Mosquitoes

Mosquito Munchers

While the mosquito is well-known as a dangerous annoyance for the human residents of the great state of Texas, they provide an abundant food source for some of our native species. Fish, birds, and bats all feast on the 175 species of mosquito that gather in standing and slow-moving water around the United States. Local mosquito munchers include the Chimney Swift, the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat, and the Western Mosquitofish.

Fly Family Ties

The word “mosquito” comes from the Spanish for “little fly.” There are nearly 200 species of mosquito that make their home in the United States, but that’s only a fraction of this prolific branch of the fly family. Worldwide, there are more than 3500 species of these biting bugs lurking in pools and ponds.

A Brief, Busy Life

The male mosquito only lives for about ten days, and females only live up to six weeks. In that short amount of time, these insects keep pretty busy. The males find mates by listening for the feverish 500 flaps per minute of the females’ wings. The pregnant females feed on large mammals and birds in groups called swarms, nourishing the clutch of up to 300 eggs that they will then lay on the surface of water nearby. It is the exchange of saliva during these bites that transfer blood-borne illnesses and causes the characteristic itchy welts associated with mosquito bites.

Mosquitoes can sense movement and heat, as well as smell perspiration and respiration. This allows them to hone in on their preferred prey of cattle, horses, and birds and their runner-up prey: humans. While mosquitoes don’t carry HIV, they have been shown to spread many other dangerous diseases like Zika and Malaria. The safest course of action is to avoid these miniature menaces and eliminate breeding grounds near your home.

Reach out today to find out how Home Run Pest and Termite Control can help keep these “little flies” from threatening the safety of your backyard sanctuary.

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