The Benefits of Quarterly Pest Control Over Just “Reacting” to Pests

Pests are just a part of life, but they don’t have to be. When you have too many spiders for your liking or discover a hornet’s nest on your home, you call pest control. However, simply “reacting” to pest problems isn’t your only option. If you want to keep outside critters outside your home, you can schedule a quarterly pest control plan with your technician.

The Benefits of Quarterly Pest Control Over Just "Reacting" to Pests

In a quarterly pest control plan, your technician comes out once every quarter to handle any problems and to do some preventative measures if your home has specific, recurring pest problems.

The major benefit you get from setting up a quarterly pest control plan is that it provides pest protection that never runs out. If you have, for example, cockroaches in your home, pest control can get rid of them. However, eventually that treatment will wear off and if your home was a good environment for the roaches once, it can be again. With a quarterly prevention plan, the technician will see that you have had roaches or any other pest in the past and take preventative measures as well as provide general protection.

Unfortunately, when you just react to pest problems as they spring up, you are likely going to end up paying more. Pest control services on a one-time basis are still pretty affordable, but what can really hurt your wallet is the damage that the pests due to your home. As highly destructive pests like termites or carpenter ants can go unnoticed for a long period of time, the damage that they have caused when you do find them is devastating. If your home has had a history of destructive pests or if neighbors have reported them, a quarterly pest control plan becomes an investment in a healthy home.

Do you have a pest problem in your home? You shouldn’t have to live with it. Contact us today to see what Home Run Pest & Termite Control can do to keep your home pest-free on a one-time or quarterly basis.

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